Patches of History 3/5/2020

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We take a journey into the morbid today. Paris’s graveyards had overfilled by the late 1700’s. The city
had to figure out what to do. Here today is author AK Patch to tell us about the Paris Catacombs.

1. Tell us about the Paris Catacombs, AK?
A made a trip to Paris a few years ago and visited this incredible underground cemetery. Here’s the
Many centuries of Parisians, everyday people and the famous, had filled city and church graveyards. By
the late 17000, decomposing bodies had begun to seep into the marketplace at Les Halles from Les
Innocents Cemetery creating a health hazard. One can’t begin to imagine the rat infestation.
It was decided to begin moving the bones to an underground limestone quarry beneath Paris on the left
bank in the 14 th arrondissement beginning in late 1785.

2. How did they transport all these bones?
They began moving the bones respectfully in black-draped horse-drawn wagons at night. In two years,
they emptied most of the graveyards, but continued to do so over the decades after.
They claim about 6 million Parisians bones rest there. 186 miles of tunnels about 66 feet under the
Initially, this done in a haphazard piling of bones, until in 1810, the director made it a mausoleum to visit
by having the bones stacked artistically. Now the corridors and chambers are filled with designs
encompassing skulls, and femurs, vertebrae and other bones.
It is interesting that famous Parisians are buried with the rest. No one knows who the bones belong to.

3. Any other interesting facts about these catacombs?
French resistance fighters have hidden out there during different periods of French history including
WW2 when the Nazi occupied the city.
Some films have been set in the tunnels.
Obscure entrances have been used by artists and youths. In 2004 the police found a movie theatre, fully
stocked bar and restaurant in one of the caverns.
Paris and these catacombs will be the setting of my next novel, a mystery that will be released in a few
months. I’ll tell you more about as we go get closer. Your listeners can begin my previously released
series by going to Amazon and typing in PASSAGE at DELPHI by AK PATCH.