Adventures In Illegal Alien Babysitting, Border Patrol Seeks Sitters To Care For Alien Children


Border Patrol seeks babysitters to care for illegal immigrants so agents can
return to field…

Goal is to get agents back to patrolling border…
NATIONAL IMMIGRATION ANALYST: Maria Espinoza, is the National Director of The Remembrance Project, which honors and remembers Americans and legal residents who have been killed by illegal aliens. She is of Mexican descent.

“The Border Patrol says it’s looking to create a new job to take babysitting duties out of the hands of agents and give them over to support personnel, freeing the agents to get back on the front lines patrolling the border.

The agency says it’ll be 2020 before they are ready to ramp up, and they have no sense for how many people they’ll need, what the training will look like or whether they’ll be able to find enough applicants.

The outlines of the plan, announced by Customs and Border Protection on Tuesday, is the latest in a series of moves intended to try to find something that can change the dynamics of the ongoing border surge.

A CBP official who briefed reporters said the need was undeniable.

Thanks to overwhelming numbers of people, the demographics of the surge and new health checks put in place after sick illegal immigrants died in Border Patrol custody late last year, agents now spend 40 percent of their duty time off the border babysitting migrants. That includes transporting them, providing care and feeding, and taking some to the hospital for checkups. Since they are in Border Patrol custody, an agent must be with them.


ABOUT: The Remembrance Project® is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit corporation registered in the State of Texas, honoring and remembering Americans and legal residents who have been killed by illegal aliens.


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