Ann Marie Hancock: Talk Show Host, Investigative Journalist, and…Healer

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Ann Marie Hancock is an award-winning journalist, radio and
television personality, and talk show host who has interviewed
many famous people. Some of her favorites are Alan Alda, Eva
Gabor and the Dalai Lama. She has appeared on Bertice Berry,
Rolanda, NBC’s The Other Side, The Angel Show, and Inside
Hancock is the author of two previous books: Be a Light and
Wake up America– with which she has traveled the world and
shared her message of hope. A devout Christian, Hancock
believes that God loves each of us, and offers us healing and
peace in any and all of our circumstances through His grace and
offer of salvation. Her latest book, “You Can’t Drive Your Car to
Your Own Funeral, is a three year journey with her terminal
mom, as she shares spiritual and practical tools acquired during
this sojourn.
Hancock considers herself blessed and believes in giving back.
She has served on the Board of Virginia Wildlife Festival,
Goodwill Industries and The James River Association, which
ensures the health and reputation of the historic James River.
Hancock has received awards from the Virginia Rehabilitation
Association, and hosted the first Miss Virginia Wheelchair Pageant. She has also served on the Board of Pediatric
Infusion. Hancock is passionate about her four grandchildren, and involved at her former high school alma mater,
being named this year “Most Distinguished Alumna” at the renowned Altria Theatre in Virginia. Hancock and her

husband have hosted benefits for the Make a Wish Foundation, and they have served as state chair persons for
the Catholic Education Concilium.
Ann Marie Hancock lives in Virginia with her husband Tom a retired nationally-recognized health and hospital law
attorney who has consistently been listed in Best Lawyers in America.