Fascinating. Terrifying. Mystifying.
You’ll find all that and more in…
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SPECIAL GUEST AUTHOR: Michael H. Brown, is editor of SpiritDaily.com, and the award-winning author of the bold new book, Lying Wonders, Strangest Things.
What are the most amazing things that have occurred in recent times on this planet we call earth? Is there an actual “twilight zone”? Are there real “x-files”? And might it be… a spiritual war cry?
We live at a time of unprecedented supernatural phenomena. A boy disappears into thin air (time and again). Rock ‘n’ roll stars encounter UFOs. A woman is tortured by two invisible entities. Certain of the accounts may be mere oddities – truly, the “strangest things” in God’s mysterious Creation.
But just as often they’re glimpses of what Christians call “lying wonders” – a spiritual invasion. What do big foot and UFOs have in common? And lake monsters? What about curses: Are there ones that changed history?
Could there really be a doll that texts? This credible and yet incredible collection of the most fantastic factual accounts gathered during the past five decades by nationally-known journalist Michael H. Brown shows – as a philosopher named J. B. S. Haldane once put it – that the universe in which we reside is not only stranger than we imagine, but stranger than we can imagine.
PLUG BOOK: www.amazon.com/LYING-WONDERS-STRANGEST-THINGS-MICHAEL/dp/0578498049/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1564715775&sr=8-1
BIO: Michael H. Brown is the author of twenty-nine books. Known initially for his ground-breaking reportage on the Love Canal toxic crisis, he has penned books on everything from the Mafia to the search for the first anatomically-modern human woman using DNA. Since 1991 he has written Christian books, including bestselling THE FINAL HOUR, THE OTHER SIDE, and LAYING WASTE. In his days as a journalist, his work appeared in magazines such as The New York Times Magazine, The Atlantic Monthly, Reader’s Digest and New York and he appeared on shows such as Today, Nightline, Phil Donahue, Joan Rivers, Sally Jessy Raphael, TBN (Paul and Jan Crouch), Coast-To-Coast (with Art Bell), and EWTN. In his secular days he went on four national book tours for Pantheon/Random House, Simon & Schuster, and HarperCollins, appearing on hundreds of television, radio, and “phoner’ interviews. He lives in Florida with wife Lisa and three children.
WEBSITE: www.spiritdaily.com
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