What a delight to have an internationally known author as our guest today–the
highly respected Darlene Quinn who’s written a 6-book “Webs” series in recent
How did you get your start in the literary world? I know you are a voracious reader
and great story-teller…but what motivated your writing skills?
I understand the late TV actor Buddy Ebsen got you involved with his writing efforts,
correct? Fill us in….
What about the big Calif. Dept. Store assisting you in some ways with your writing career?
Let’s get to your “Webs” series of 6 books…how did it all start…which was your favorite?
What’s ahead for you in the literary world?
My spies tell me you are the featured speaker June 12 at a meeting of the Book Publicists of
So. Calif., a meeting that has as its theme, “Celebritize Yourself,” inspired by the book of
same name written by your book publicist Marsha Friedman, who’s based in Florida and
could not attend the meeting, so you graciously will be filling in and talking about achieving
celebrity status as an author–what are the secrets?
How can our listeners purchase your books?
What advice do you have for aspiring authors?
Tell us a bit about your family…
Thank you, Darlene Quinn…