Bo Lebo-Head Injury’s


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From guest, Bo Lebo patient and self-help publisher (Stay:Well Audio) and
(The Mensendieck System published with Karen Perlroth in video and audio
and c-case video) and bio-feedback advocate and personal coach on learning
how to learn and exploring new integrative patient oriented assistive
Separating my experience and feelings from what happened and how I
What happened? I became a new person (outside of the visual nation)
What saved your life? “crashworthy” car and an airbag Who helped?
What was the prognosis?

What are the consequences? Ongoing brain centered symptoms, episodes
and visual field, light sensitivity, balance problems, reading problems,
intermittent episodes 24 hour recurrences, head aches, throbbing, changes in
mobility, posture, ability to restore movement, pain in chest….. Now what
could I do and how did I mediate the endless information in the social media
and computer dependent world

Why did you want to speak out? – Medical Literacy …what do you do?
Figure out the “how to” of getting myself back to full functioning and
resolving problems (creating a support system) (checking in)
Find sources you can trust and find treatment:

Understanding TBI

Find the coding in the icd 10 or icd 9
Link the service available to you to the billing and providing of the service.
Don’t over treat yourself.
Superbill and public speaking…the bane of technical or bureaucratic
management and the solution- Self- Advocacy.

Who is injured? What is the treatment?- Facts and Figures

Refuse some treatment or get the power to ask for what you need.
Why anti-depressants? Vitamins? PT? Neuro-Optimetric Rehab? Memory,
Speech, and Thinking Rehab? Ordering, Sequencing, Advocating,
Surviving. Sudden sense of insecurity and aloneness

Lack in many mainstream hospitals to resolve the problem through
treatment integration (guess)? Don’t get mad find out who is in charge
and make your case.
Compassion for TBI patients or for different human needs?
New things to learn or learn over/anew
More virulent accidents or other issues that people hear about?
Write about your experience, find friends to check in with your, be social,
belly dance, do flaminco…teach your brain to see again..assistive devices
Get off of the web and away from light?
Give yourself permission to be patient and laugh a lot (yoga therapy,
happiness video, redefine your expectations
Listen to your friends? Write your story? Send at text to me at 818-742-
5099 of your email and I’ll give you a place to send your story for the
handbook I’d like to work on. Tell me how you coped and got the care you
needed and your recovery process.
Find DA and Community Support services…don’t get ashamed or isolate
yourself. Be grateful. Patient. Have a sense of humor but don’t ignore your
symptoms. Marvel at the brain and vision. Use your ears. Don’t give up.