Dating to True Love Mentor, Dr. Diana Kirschner
My life’s work has been to study those findings and apply them in real life with my male and female clients, students and with the many therapists I’ve trained. The result: thousands have found lasting love. Now it can happen for you. What they learned is in my best-selling dating advice book, Love in 90 Days: The Essential Guide to Finding Your Own True Love.
Company Overview
How do you go from wondering when or if you will ever meet Mr. Right… (when there aren’t any good men out there)…or how to resolve a painful relationship filled with ups and downs and the anxiety of not knowing where things are going…to the security of a deeply fulfilling and committed relationship with the One you want? Thousands of singles have made this journey using my unique approach to finding love that lasts. And you can too!
Date Recorded: 03/19/2012
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