Ep. 11/9/2020 – The Jiggy Jaguar Show


Culture analyst/Author: Doug Giles, author of the new book, If Masculinity is ‘Toxic’ Call Jesus Radioactive. Giles is the host of the Warriors And Wildmen podcast, and the man behind ClashDaily.com.

In, If Masculinity Is ‘Toxic’, Call Jesus Radioactive, bestselling author DougGiles offers a view of Jesus that CNN and the ladies on The View will probably not like. That said, Giles is a guessin’ that his take on the 30-year-old Rebel from Galilee will be a breath of fresh air to people who’re sick of postmodernism’s soft focused, politically correct, pale-skinned, wussy Jesus that the enemies of the cross are foisting upon the washed and unwashed masses.

Drawing heavily off the Book of Matthew, Giles’s exposition of the overt masculine traits that Jesus exhibited, both in word and deed, will forever change how you see and hear The Son of Man. Many topics touched on this spicy tome have been ignored by gelded ministers beholden to their crowds’ finicky palette and their purse strings, of course.

In, If Masculinity Is ‘Toxic’, Call Jesus Radioactive, you’ll see painted in Matthew’s prose and Giles’ wicked insight and sense of humor that Jesus Christ was anything and everything but a doe-eyed thirtysomething Mr. Rogers do-gooder. Be prepared to have your religious idols smashed and life challenged like never before as you plow through this book.about the author …Doug earned his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Texas Tech University and his certificates in both Theological and Biblical Studies from Knox Theological Seminary (Dr. D.James Kennedy, Chancellor).

Giles was fortunate to have Dr. R.C. Sproul as an instructor for many classes.Doug Giles is the host of the salty podcast, ClashRadio.com, and the man behind ClashDaily.com. In addition to driving ClashDaily.com (250M+ page views), Giles is the author of several #1 Amazon bestsellers including, Rules For Radical Christians: 10 Biblical Disciplines of Influential Believers. Doug is also an artist and a filmmaker and his online gallery can be seen at DougGiles.Art. His first film, Biblical Badasses: A Raw Look At Christianity and Art, is available via Amazon Prime Video.

BOOK: www.amazon.com/Masculinity-Toxic-Call-Jesus-Radioactive/dp/1618081942/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=
BIO: Doug’s writings have appeared on several other print and online news sources, including Townhall.com, The Washington Times, The Daily Caller, Fox Nation, Human Events, USA Today, The Wall Street Journa