Ep. 9/4/2020 – BGE presents:Expert Guest: Can CBD Solve the Financial Pain of Our Farmers?


What the Heck is CBD and Can it Solve the Financial Pain of Our Farmers?
By John Frazier, America’s Entrepreneur Advocate

By legalizing hemp, the 2018 Farm Bill sets the stage for a national and international trade in CBD that is expected to dwarf the market for THC products. CBD is the straitlaced cousin of marijuana’s more famous component – the THC that makes you high. CBD (Cocannabidiol), has no such intoxicating effects and is derived directly from the hemp plant, which is a cousin of the marijuana plant. Hemp and hemp derived products are legal under the Farm Bill, as long as their THC content is less than 0.3%. Even with all the hype of CBD, it cannot be overstated how beneficial this plant could be for U.S. farmers in the coming years. [more…]

About John Frazier: John’s life’s passion is helping the small business & entrepreneur community. As one of the leading social media contributors on the entrepreneur topic, he is nationally known as a catalyst for bringing about positive change and inspiring entrepreneurs. Empowering America’s businessmen and women and cultivating creativity in the small business community through education and leadership, John is perhaps one of America’s most recognized entrepreneur & small business advocates.