Expert Available: Nancy Pelosi’s Big Labor, Big Government, Puppet Politicians Vote to Wipe Out State Right to Work Laws


U.S. House Votes on Bill Forcing Non-Union Members to Pay Union Dues!

RIGHT TO WORK EXPERT: Mark Mix, is President of the National Right to Work Committee which is a 2.8 million member public policy organization. He also serves as President of the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation.

This week, National Right To Work Committee President Mark Mix blasted Nancy Pelosi and the rest of Big Labor’s allies in Congress for passing H.R. 2474, the so-called “PRO Act,” which would wipe out all 27 state Right to Work laws, let Big Labor organize unions without a secret ballot vote, and impose a laundry list of other union boss power grabs.
Mr. Mix stated, “This was a vote to let the union bosses put their hands back in workers’ pockets. Every member of Congress who voted for this abomination should be ashamed of themselves.”

“80% of Americans agree it is just plain wrong to force workers to pay union dues or ‘fees’ just to get or keep a job. But these politicians shamelessly kowtowed to the demands of the union bosses who fund their campaigns with forced-dues dollars,” Mr. Mix continued.

“Right to work supporters will remember and will hold Big Labor’s puppet politicians accountable.” Right to work laws have been part of the economic landscape for more than seventy years.

In 1935, Congress gave Big Labor the power to force employees to accept their so-called “exclusive representation,” where it is against the law for the workers to represent themselves.

Then, compounding the injury to independent-minded workers, they allowed union bosses to demand that workers pay for that “representation” they don’t want, didn’t ask for, and which may even be working against their interests.

In 1947, Congress allowed states to pass Right to Work laws, partially righting this wrong within their own borders. Mr. Mix pointed out that “state Right to Work laws have brought tremendous economic benefits to the states that adopted them.”

According to studies cited by Mr. Mix, job growth in Right to Work states has been double that of the forced-unionism states, the average family in a Right to Work state has $4,500 more to spend in after-tax real income, and forced-unionism states have nearly triple the number of welfare recipients per capita.

Most business relocation consultants admit that as many as half of their clients, when considering where to relocate or expand their businesses, immediately strike non-Right to Work states off the list, not even giving them a chance to compete. That’s why, according to Mr. Mix, “Wiping out state Right to Work laws just gives companies one more reason to move their operations overseas.”

In addition, Mr. Mix noted that Right to Work laws provide a critical layer of accountability to union leadership.

“When union bosses can force people to pay dues or ‘fees,’ they don’t have to worry about what those people want or need,” declared Mr. Mix.

“Often, the only thing the union bosses end up caring about is how much money they can collect, and how lavishly they can spend it on their own comfort and on the politicians they keep in their hip pockets,” Mr. Mix continued.

H.R. 2474 would change all that, by giving Big Labor the power to collect forced dues, regardless of whether or not a state Right to Work law is in place.

Mr. Mix called on Right to Work supporters to make their voices heard, and to “call every politician who voted for this massive Big Labor power grab, and demand an apology for their vote to bring back the shackles of forced unionism across the country.”


BIO: Mark became President of the Committee and Foundation in 2003. Under the leadership of Mr. Mix, the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation has continued to provide unparalleled free legal assistance to workers and has utilized cutting-edge legal strategies to protect workers from the abuses of compulsory unionism. Mr. Mix frequently appears on national television shows including Fox News Channel’s Your World: With Neil Cavuto, Glenn Beck and Fox & Friends, and has also appeared multiple times on CNBC and CNN. Mr. Mix also often serves as a guest on nationally-syndicated radio shows such as the The Lars Larson Show, Jason Lewis Show, Michael Reagan Show and the Jim Bohannon Show.
Similarly, Mr. Mix’s writings have appeared in national outlets such as the Wall Street Journal, Washington Times, Investors Business Daily, Washington Examiner and National Review. His pieces have also been featured in widely-read regional publications across the country including the Detroit Free Press, the Orange County Register and the Detroit News. Mr. Mix is also a sought after speaker on political technology and grass-roots lobbying tactics. He often travels across the country, speaking and training participants in the political process.

Mark Mix holds a BA in Finance from James Madison University and an Associate Degree in Marketing from the State University of New York. Prior to joining the National Right to Work Committee in 1990, Mr. Mix worked for several state-level Right to Work groups. He joined the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation in 1999.



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