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WORKFORCE PERFORMANCE ANALYST: Doug Hanson is the President of Doug Hanson Performance Group, an organization committed to helping people and the organizations they work for Become Greater!
An unprecedented more than 40 million people filed for unemployment benefits in the U.S. over the past 3 months. By every business metric this statistic paints a dark and gloomy picture for our economy, both now and for the foreseeable future. But there is at least one glaring silver lining of opportunity for companies and leaders who recognize it and act decisively.
In the history of our planet, there has never been such an abundance of A+ talent available and looking for work. Granted, of the over 40 million that filed for unemployment in recent months, a good number are just fine with coasting on the free ride of government programs and stimulus checks for as long as they will hold out. That group has always been there and always will be. But what’s different today is there is also an unprecedented number of highly talented, driven and positive go-getters who are eager, self-motivated, and actively looking for a great place to work.
But how do you attract those A+ recruits? What do employees want most in a post covid-19 world? I’ve posed this question to more people than I can count, at every level from hourly employees to CEOs, and the answer is consistent across the board. People want security and clarity.
BIO: Doug is an award-winning speaker, author, and leading authority on creating an engaged workforce, and the creator of, a revolutionary and validated approach for creating energized and self-directed employees through personal transformation.
TWITTER: @DougHansonSpeak