Guest Opportunity: Dr. Robert Rose – Author of "Abuses of Power in Education" and The Complete Teacher


Guest Opportunity: Dr. Robert Rose – Author of “Abuses of Power in Education” and The Complete Teacher

TOPIC-Abuse of Power

Guest Opportunity: Dr. Robert Rose – Author of “Abuses of Power in Education” and The Complete Teacher

People in power such as CEOs, School Principals, Elected Officials and more can use their power and persuasion to coerce someone to make changes or do things that may not be in the best interest of firm, school or person.

Many factors can influence this decision, but the end result can hurt more than help; especially if it favors a small amount of people only

Dr. Robert Rose is an educator, working in schools for almost 50 years. He’s seen his own share of people using their power to coerce him into doing things he didn’t feel was best for the students, parents or his career. He wrote about it in the book “ABUSES of POWER in EDUCATION” which can be found on

Meet Robert Rose

· Worked in the U.S. Air Force as a psychiatric social worker

· Deputy Probation Officer (Los Angeles)

· Teacher in four of the largest Southern California districts, and supervising teacher for two universities

· Has 50 years teaching every grade from Kindergarten to the university level

· Created dozens of self help books

· “CREATING YOUR GIANT SELF” has been described as the best self help book ever by Dr.Robert Anton Wilson

· Writing a brand new book titled: “CAREGIVING: The SECRETS ARE..” set to be released in August 2012


Date Recorded: 9/17/2012

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