Jerry Brow is a licensed builder and international developer who turned to writing when
his voice wasn’t heard in several lawsuits regarding an illegal dump site in Atlanta, GA.
He has been featured on Fox News… An environmentalist at heart, Brow is the founder
of the Humanitarian Medical Relief (HMR), Ayuda Medica Humanitaria Venezuela
Health Centers, co-founder of, and founder of He
served with the American Red Cross for two years following Hurricane Katrina, spent 12
years volunteering in HMR, the last country being Haiti, and the past 9 years protecting
Hornillos Island and the wildlife sustained around it.
Through his non-profit Our Public Trust, his mission is to unite the people of our world to speak freely about
the dependence on our governments for public air, water and land. His new book The Concealment of the Baby
Gun Club Landfill, chronicles his personal journey with government mistrust, and demands transparency from
all levels of government in protecting matters of public health and safety. Brow is married and has a twelve-year
old son. He divides his time between Mississippi, Georgia, and the country of Peru. He is hard at work on his
next book. For more information, visit his website at