Adrienne Rubin, author “Diamonds & Scoundrels”

nterv with the dynamic author, Adrienne Rubin, whose
book, “Diamonds and Scoundrels: My Life in the Jewelry
Business,” has become a big seller and is now attracting
attention with movie producers
call Adrienne in Calif.  at  12:15-20 pm
“it’s a return visit for us…
In the words of host  James Lowe, KJAG Radio: “Yes,
we’re delighted to have Adrienne Rubin back…
so much has happened since your last interview with us…
“But let’s back to the start of your career to refresh our
“Weren’t you a schoolteacher before you became involved
in the jewelry business? What drifted you away from teaching
to a new field?
“How difficult was it getting started in the jewelry business?
Who inspired you?  Did you first operate on a small basis with
little money or did you hit it big from the start?  What was your
main occupation in the jewelry business?
“Wasn’t it true that the business was mainly dominated by men
when you broke into the field? How did you survive?  What
were some of your lucky breaks?
“How many years were you in the business to realize that you
were making it at last?   And how did you cope with some of
the tough males  that you called scoundrels? Weren’t there
some nice men in the biz who worked side by side with you?
“How did you get started writing your book?  Who was the
publisher and how was the initial response with the media?
“Has the business changed much over the years?  Is it a lot
easier for a woman to make it in the biz these days?
“You’ve had so many good reviews and you’ve guested on so
many radio and TV shows…are you still seeking more such
as ours?
“You had your own jewelry shop in Beverly Hills at one time…
why did you give it up?
“My spies tell me there is another Adrienne Rubin with a magical
name in the U.S.–a rabbi in New Jersey…is she related? Or
haven’t you met her yet?  Why not send her a book?
“How can our listeners purchase your book?
“What is your website?
“Please stay in touch with us…we’ve got to have you back again and
hear more of your interesting tales in the jewelry business…