Social Justice is an all-consuming doctrine being used by the United Nations to transform the world into Sustainable Development. It is in every economic discussion, every political discourse and in virtually every church where the pastor has been converted into a community organizer.
The problem? For starters, at least 97 million people died in the last century in the name of social justice. Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro and Hitler all rose to power on the hot air balloon of social justice. The horrible carnage of Liberation Theology of the 1970s was also predicated on it as well.
So people want MORE social justice? God forbid!
I just finished a primer on social justice that will give anyone the tools to understand it and most importantly, to refute it! Please read by clicking the link below, and then consider a radio interview around the topic.
The ‘Pseudo-Ethics’ Of Social Justice In Economics, Politics And Religion
In the meantime, please keep an eye on Technocracy News and Trends for the latest news on these and other important topics.