The Josh Bernstein Show began as an internet podcast in 2014. Since then it has evolved into a live-recorded TV show with weekly guests.
Bernstein has contributed to The Clint Bellows Show,[4] The Neutral Medical Report W/Dr. Bill,[5] The Allan Nathan Show, and The Lars Larson Show.[6]
As a commentator and analyst, Josh Bernstein has been featured by multiple publications including Forbes,[7] Newsmax,[8] The Dove,[9] The Atlantic,[10] One America News Network, PIJN News,[11] and the USA Today magazine (not related to the USA Today newspaper).[12] In addition, Bernstein has also been a contributor to Breitbart News,,[13] and The Daily Wire.[14]
Bernstein also fills in at the Next News Network when regular host Gary Franchi is off or not able to host the show. The Next News Network is featured on Youtube.