Majority of Michigan voters favor increased voter security, new poll finds


Ralph Rebandt for Governor (MI)

** Running against Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer
Candidate for Michigan Governor, 2022
Endorsed by:
SE Michigan Police Chiefs
Dr. Ken Massey, Farmington Hills Mayor
Dr. Randal Baker, won MI Supreme Court  lawsuit against Gov. Whitmer

Majority of Michigan voters favor increased voter security, new poll finds

An overwhelming majority of Michigan voters are in favor of increased election security, including measures requiring photo identification to vote, a recent poll by the Remington Research Group found.

The poll, commissioned by Americans for Citizen Voting, surveyed 1,011 likely 2022 General Election Michigan voters. Among results, it found more than 75% of participants supported a requirement to show a government-issued photo ID in order to vote, while support among Black residents was even higher at 79%.

  • Studies show that stricter voting laws turn out more voters because citizens feel more confident that their vote will count.
  • 75% of all voters (both Democrats and Republicans) want stricter voting laws.
  • Governor Whitmer vetoed stricter voting legislation that would have shored up voting laws in Michigan.
  • The stricter voting legislation would have made it easier to vote, harder to cheat. Common sense says that would have been a win / win.
  • Sign the Secure MI Vote petition and send a message to Governor Whitmer that the citizens of Michigan demand fair and honest elections at

Concerning Michigan Democratic Facebook Post  …. Ralph Rebandt says their words should make every citizen in Michigan shudder.

Although Michiganders faced cold temperatures last weekend, far more chilling was a Facebook post that came not from the Communist Manifesto, but from the Michigan Democratic Party which read in part, “Not sure where this ‘parents-should-control-what-is-taught-in-schools-because-they-are-our-kids’ is originating, but parents do have the option to send their kids to a hand-selected private school at their own expense if this is what they desire. . .  The purpose of public education in public schools is not to teach kids only what parents want them to be taught . . .  It is to teach them what society needs them to know. The client of the public school is not the parent, but the entire community, the public.”

Although the Michigan Democratic Party eventually took down the post, Michigan Candidate for Governor Ralph Rebandt believes it was “another Freudian Slip by the Dems” and “it’s just another gift to our campaign when they show their true colors” adding “it’s hard to put the toothpaste back in the tube”. Ralph Rebandt says their words should make every citizen in Michigan shudder, whether they have children or not. “Government is getting more greedy by the day”, he said and concluded his words by saying that “God gave children to their parents, not to the government and not to society.”

Ralph RebandtAbout Ralph Rebandt

Candidate for Michigan Governor, 2022
Endorsed by:
SE Michigan Police Chiefs
Dr. Ken Massey, Farmington Hills Mayor
Dr. Randal Baker, won MI Supreme Court  lawsuit against Gov. Whitmer

Interview Subject Qualifications:

  • *Education – Parental Rights, Critical Race Theory, Common Core, Sex Education, School Vouchers
  • Election Integrity – Ralph Rebandt sworn affidavit of fraud (TCF Center, Detroit, Michigan)
  • Law Enforcement – Defund the Police Movement, BLM protests, Community Policing
  • U.S. Constitution – including but not limited to 1st and 2nd Amendments
  • Religion/Religious Liberty – historical and current – shift from founding Judeo-Christian values
  • Racism – historical and current
  • Transgender Issues
  • Medical Mandates – Religious Exemptions, Vaccine Passports, Medical Freedom
  • Health Insurance Reform
  • Marriage and Family
  • Immigration and Border Issues
  • Economy, Inflation, Taxes
  • Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, Marxism
  • Climate Issues from a Biblical Perspective

Ralph A. Rebandt II was born and raised in Woodhaven, Wayne County, Michigan.

Ralph has served as lead pastor for Oakland Hills Community Church in Farmington Hills Michigan since 1987, and is the Chairman of the OPC Church Extension Committee (CHEX).

Ralph is chaplain for the Michigan Association of Chiefs of Police, Southeastern Michigan Chiefs of Police, Farmington Hills Police Department, Beverly Hills Police Department, and serves as a board member for the Farmington Hills Crime Prevention Advisory Committee.

Ralph earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Religious Education from Summit University, Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania; Master’s Degree in Religious Education Westminster Seminary, Philadelphia; and Master of Divinity Degree from Westminster Seminary, Philadelphia, where he graduated magna cum laude and acquired credits in the Ph.D. program.

Earlier in his career, Ralph was a member of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, the Michigan Laborers Union, and the United Steelworkers. Ralph served as Religious Advisor on Governor Engler’s Sex and Drugs Education Task Force, Farmington Hills Year 2000 Planning Committee, and as a member for Farmington Families in Action.

Presently, Ralph serves as a member of the Board of Governors for the Council for National Policy located in Washington, D.C., and locally as a member of Farmington Hills S.A.F.E. (Suicide Awareness for Everyone.)