Beat the Barbeque bloat this Summer
With nutritional educator Dr. Julie Gatza (Dr. Julie)
Between backyard cookouts, boozy beach vacations, and the wedding circuit summer are full of opportunities to have so much fun and to feel so very bloated.
But warm weather get-togethers don’t have to wreak havoc on your insides. To keep the party vibes going (sans gas), the key is knowing what to fill up on and what to avoid.
So, how do you avoid feeling like garbage after eating and drinking all this deliciousness? You might be in need of some guidance. After all, you should be living your best life before, during, and after your smoked meat consumption.
Nutritional educator Dr. Julie Gatza (Dr. Julie) is here to share a few suggestions on how we can ensure that not only our taste buds have a wonderful time at our next outdoor cookout, but that our gastrointestinal system doesn’t suffer any painful barbeque blues, including stomach aches, gas, bloating, belching, and constipation.
Here are Dr. Julie’s tips for a trouble-free tummy during the 2019 barbecue season:
1. Don’t pile everything onto your plate then gobble it down in the same sitting
The brain gets a signal to supply digestive enzymes for whatever food type you eat first. If you start to chew a second and third type of food too early, the signal to produce new enzymes won’t be processed as quickly and the new foods will not be properly digested, causing bloating, gas, heartburn, and stomach pain.
Additionally, you won’t get the energy from the food you’re eating because the body will now have to spend energy getting rid of the toxins that are forming from these wrongly mixed foods. Chew each bite slowly, a dozen or more times before swallowing, to trigger the proper enzymes and to aid absorption. Side benefit: You’ll feel full sooner and won’t eat as much.
2. Steak or potato salad which should I eat first?
One huge mistake most people make is eating their steak along with a baked potato or a potato side dish — mixing heavy starches with heavy proteins. Eat steaks, burgers, and hot dogs first, slowly. You can have a bite of salad along the way. Once your steak is pretty well gone, after 15 minutes, have some potatoes.
Then, if you want dessert, wait for about 20 minutes. If you consume heavy sugar or fruit on top of meat or carbohydrat