Regulars: Gregg Jackson


Gregg Jackson-The Conservative Comeback

*The Truth about Romneycare’s $50 co-pay aboriton coverage…

In spite of the documented proof to the contrary, the Romneybots continue to falsely claim that Romney’s hands were tied and that he had to include coverage for elective surgical abortions at any/every stage including partial birth abortions because of a previous policy/court opinion…

This of course is a 100% total lie!

Here is the truth:

Fact: The truth is, that Romneycare includes a $50 co-pay for any elective surgical abortion which Mitt Romney and Mitt Romney alone signed into law 3 years AFTER his fake “pro-life conversion.”
Here are the facts Romney conveniently omits when he falsely claims that the courts forced Romneycare to subsidize abortions at $50 each which you can see for yourself here .
The state Supreme Court had ruled in 1980 that the Massachusetts Constitution confers on Massachusetts women an even broader right to abortion than does the U.S. Constitution. It restated in a 1997 decision that the state must pay for medically necessary abortions if it pays for all other medically necessary procedures including services in connection with childbirth.
The court decision Romney is referring to is a 1981 MSJC decision that ruled that the state constitution required payment for abortion services for medicaid eligible women. (Moe v Secretary of Admin & Findance, 1981) which was re-affirmed in 1997 in (Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts v. Attorney General, 1997). Both were only declaratory OPINIONS. The court can only interpret the law in specific cases. But they can’t make law. Only the legislature can do that.
The Massachusetts Courts have no power to create, suspend, or alter law. In short, these opinions were just that… opinions. They were not orders. And the legislature never created any law that required any government subsidized healthcare plan to cover abortions. Romney’s bill (that was endorsed by Planned Parenthood, Ted Kennedy and Hillary Clinton,) was the first that included this provision.
Romney used his line item veto authority to strike down eight sections of the bill that he found objectionable, including the expansion of dental benefits to Medicaid recipients. But he did not strike Planned Parenthood’s guaranteed board representative role on his advisory board (with no pro-life representative appointee incidentally) and did nothing to prohibit tax payer funded abortions in his plan. (“Romney’s Health Care Vetoes,” Associated Press, 4/12/06)

It is also vital to add that previous court opinions (cited above)only said that any state insurance plans needed to cover “medically necessary abortions” and only for “Medicaid eligible recipients.” Romney vastly expanded coverage in Romneycare for any and all abortions (not just “medically necessary”) and not just for “Medicaid eligible recipients.”

Not even Obamacare has $50 co-pay elective surgical abortion-on-demand coverage!
Romney and Romney alone is responsible for Romneycare’s tax-payer funded subsidy for elective surgical abortion on demand which includes late-term abortions( currently free in many cases) that Mitt Romney and Mitt Romney alone signed into law 3 years after his fake “pro-life conversion.”

Romney can talk about bing pro-life to the cows come home.

But his actual record clearly shows just the opposite…

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