Sea Vegation …. The Answer to our Nutritional Needs


SCOTT KENNEDY-Sea Vegation …. The Answer to our Nutritional Needs

SCOTT KENNEDY was on his way to a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration at the University of Texas, Austin and an investor in Real Estate in 1983, when a personal experience changed the course of his life. Shortly thereafter he was led to a sea vegetation-based dietary supplement by an Iridologist who recommended he place his mother on a daily regimen. Scott’s mother, who had suffered with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) since she was pregnant with him moved into miraculous remission within 90 days as per an M.R.I. and according to her neurologist.

In 1985 Scott founded Sea Veg, USA (now FarmaSea® Health LLC). He began researching and promoting the value of sea vegetation in human nutrition. Studying under his mentor, Dr. Joseph V. Wachter, Jr., who passed away in 1988, Scott was privy to the large body of research and documentation amassed by the Wachters family and became the largest distributor of Wachters Organic Sea Products (1932) in the 74 year history of the company.

In 1999 Scott created the FarmaSea® Blend of Sea Plants, imported in conjunction with the Irish Government and the National University of Ireland Marine Sciences Center in Galway. He along with his friend, colleague and scientific advisor, Dr. Stefan Kraan, PhD Marine Botany, created what is now considered the most powerful blend of edible sea plants on Earth. These are delivered as a definitive dietary FOOD supplement, in 100% vegetable capsules called: Super Sea Veg® by FarmaSea® Health LLC.

Mr. Kennedy has collected over the years, unmatched and overwhelming anecdotal data and case histories from direct experience. Included are complete remissions of Type II Diabetes, Hypertension, Psoriasis, Prostate Cancer, Ovarian Cysts, Skin Cancer, IBS, Hemorrhoids, Breast Cancer, Candida, Ongoing remission of Lymphoma, Melanoma, M.S. Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Heart Disease, High Cholesterol, and Lung Cancer.

Scott has created and amassed the most comprehensive collection of scientific literature on Marine Alga in the world, with the help of Dr. Kraan, PhD. Mr. Kennedy hosted the long-running talk radio show in Las Vegas, “The Nature of Health Show” (1993-1998) interviewing hundreds of health professionals, including, Dr’s Weil Whitaker, Willix, Omen, Siegel, Jensen, Kaman, Northrop, Pritikin and in-depth interviews with the NCI, the AMA, the ACS, and the FDA. Recently, Mr. Kennedy’s Televised Sea Vegg ® interview-infomercial rose to Number 2 in 2005-06 and was the only ingestible product in the top 20 infomercials, nationwide at that time. Mr. Kennedy’s personal mission and message has brought more Sea Vegetation to humans for daily consumption, than anyone in history.

Scott Kennedy may be contacted through his company FarmaSea® Health via website Email: Recorded: 03/19/2012

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