Sherry L. Meinberg, Ed.D.


Sherry L. Meinberg, Ed.D.

I recently re-retired after fifty (50!!) years in Education. Now, at long last, my latest project, Imperfect Weddings are Best is published! Alongside major computer and printing problems, I kept adding stories, so it took a lot longer than expected. There are still a few mistakes therein, so I have an imperfect book about imperfect weddings. But I’m thrilled that the process is over, and it is now listed on
Even so, out of my eight published books, I had the most fun writing it, as I got to interview friends, neighbors, and total strangers, about their weddings. Most responders said they had a “regular” or “normal” or “uneventful” wedding, or they couldn’t remember anything about it at all, because they were so freaked out and it was all such a blur. I desperately hope my family members (on both sides) will still speak to me, after reading their examples. My brother has assured me, however, that all involved have matured, and will see the humor in the events. I cling to his counsel.
The idea for the book began as a 5×5 specialty book, compiling my wedding experiences and observations alone. When the publisher complained that my book was “too small” at only 25,000 words (the way it was first envisioned!), I enlarged its scope, to well over 60,000 words. It somehow morphed into 143 stories (short, medium, and long), as well as 154 examples that are quickly referred to in a sentence or two, for a grand total of 297 references, within its 445 pages. Yikes! (I actually cut three topics.)
Although this is a Wedding How-To book, I think you’d find it of interest. Although the subject itself may not appeal to many men, they usually skip the text, and just read the examples (mostly of the don’t-even-think-of-doing-this admonitions), which are printed in the gray boxes, and are easy to find. It won it’s first award this last week—the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award in the category of Womens’ Interest—after only six weeks on!! I hope you come across something that interests you, shocks you, or tickles your funnybone.
Goose bumps all the way,
Sherry L. Meinberg, Ed.D.

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