(1) Pro-lifers to hold ‘Day of Mourning’ in response to Virginia governor’s defense of infanticide…
(2) Unplanned, the movie
(3) Not on My Watch: How to Win the Fight for Family, Faith and Freedom
PRO-LIFE AUTHOR/ANALYST: Elizabeth Johnston, is author of Not on My Watch: How to Win the Fight for Family, Faith and Freedom. She is a traditional values activist, publisher of and a concerned MOTHER OF 10 CHILDREN.
In the wake of Governor Northam’s recent advocacy for infanticide, a grassroots movement of distressed citizens has turned their disgust to action with a “Day of Mourning” on April 6th.
Citizens were shocked and a national firestorm ensued when Virginia Governor Ralph Northam not only defended infanticide on already born babies, but also doubled down on his highly controversial comments.
Organizers are asking Americans to do three things:
(1) Wear black
(2) Fast and pray
(3) Repent for the sin of abortion
The organizers are holding a large worship and prayer gathering at the Greater Richmond Convention Center in Richmond, VA, where they expect thousands to be in attendance to “stand in solidarity with the unborn and mourn over the sin of abortion.”
Virginia resident and pastor E.W. Jackson, who will be speaking at the Richmond event, stated, “When we’ve reached a point in our culture where killing babies is a reason for people to celebrate, it is time to mourn and cry out to God like never before.”
After four thousand people attended the NY event two weeks ago, and 40 thousand watched via live-stream, Day Of Mourning organizer, Elizabeth Johnston, aka The Activist Mommy, says response to the Day Of Mourning has been extremely encouraging and “evidence that Americans want to see an end to the bloodshed and child abuse called abortion.”
ABOUT BOOK: News headlines point to a world that has gone stark-raving mad. Right is wrong and wrong is right. Religious liberty is under attack. Gender identity and fluidity is not only accepted but encouraged. Same-sex marriage is embraced by some churches. Deviant sexual practices are taught in schools. Hundreds of thousands of babies are aborted annually. “No more!” cries Elizabeth Johnston (aka The Activist Mommy), who has made Christian activism a calling for her life and her family. In Not on My Watch, Johnston courageously defends the timeless truths of God’s Word and inspires and encourages other Christians to unite in winning this war for our children, our morals, our freedom, and our culture.
BIO: Elizabeth is an Activist Vlogger who educates and inspires the public on the burning social and moral issues of the day that are important to families. She and her husband Patrick, who is a medical doctor, author, and movie producer, have been pro-life ministry leaders for many years and home educate their 10 beautiful children. The growing threat to America’s children and the vicious attack on religious liberty is what dynamited Elizabeth out of her comfort zone to inspire a nation of belittled conservatives and Christians to “come out of their closets” and boldly take their country back. Elizabeth daily triggers the left by confronting the issues of abortion, sexual exploitation, obscenity, and feminism, with wit and snark like only she can. She regularly posts viral commentary videos which have netted over 70 million views. Elizabeth has been featured on many major media outlets, such as Fox News, The New York Times, The Washington Times, Newsweek, The Blaze and Christian Broadcasting Network, as she has become a thought leader on topics of importance to families. The pulse behind all her activism and cultural commentary is her love for her family and her Savior, Jesus Christ.
TWITTER: @activist_mommy