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Steve Hartman ( has written and produced two award winning short films,
“Home from War,” depicting the impact of war on returning vets, and “Before it’s Too Late,” which stars
two Academy Award Nominees, Robert Loggia and Eric Roberts. This film illuminates the danger of
driving beyond one’s ability as skills and reflexes diminish. In North Hollywood, he produced a new
original theatrical musical comedy, “Reunion,” to mostly full houses during its six-week run to excellent
reviews. He also published a sci-fi novel, “Sorry, it’s a Boy.” Steve has written several other feature
scripts, one of which, “Charioteer,” was optioned for a TV series. The production company’s option
expired permitting the renewed search for another production opportunity.
His latest project, a non-fiction book, “Life is Short/Death is Forever,” now on Amazon, is best described
as an autobiographical self-help book based on his unusual experiences and skills. Contrary to the title,
many have commented that it is truly “a fun read.” He was a consultant for many years helping
international and domestic companies manage and grow their businesses in a variety of industries
including; int’l finance, robotics, aerospace, textiles, computer technology, hospitality, and served as an
investment banker for Vanguard, a New York firm. Steve earned a Master’s Degree in Oceanography and
Marine Biology at Long Island University, and has a Ph.D. in Biophysics from NYU in New York City. He
was an adjunct faculty member of Columbia University- appointed by the president of Columbia
University to the International Seminar on Pollution and Water Resources, and served there as an
advisor to the World Bank as a representative of the Columbia University Faculty.