Saving Able

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Saving Abel

Since 2008 Saving Abel has embodied the definition of “Southern Rock.” Even before their “Self Titled” debut LP, they were barnstorming the country making fans everywhere they went by being themselves. Simple, down home, charming, country-boys with immeasurable talent that was destined to take them straight to the top. Their first single, “Addicted” did just that, reaching number one on several charts and the follow-up singles “18 Days” and “Drowning (Face Down)” helped sell over 750,000 copies of their debut album. They toured heavily in support of this album, playing with Buckcherry and Avenged Sevenfold, and later on Nickelback, in arenas across North America. Night after night, the boys would go back to the bus with their ears ringing from 15,000 fans screaming their lyrics.

Knowing that they would need something great to follow up with, the boys set out to write their sophomore album, “Miss America.” Topping the Active Rock and Hard Rock charts yet again with “Sex is Good” and “Stupid Girl (Only in Hollywood)” solidified Saving Abel’s place both on the radio and live. Setting out on their own for touring this time, Saving Abel headlined theaters around the country for almost 2 years non-stop. They toured with several artists and made a lot of friends along the way, but always kept their focus on the fans, and their eyes toward the future.

Not wanting to fall into a rut of making the third album sound like the first two, Saving Abel returned to their Mississippi origin, adding a depth and soul that can only come from their country roots. Using banjos, mandolins, and a healthy helping of moonshine Saving Abel, went into the studio with a mission to stick with “what they know best,” and wrote an emotional, soulful record that was still rooted in rock-n-roll, but highlighted their classic country roots. Listening to “Bringing Down The Giant” is as reminiscent of Hank Williams as it is of Elvis Presley. Songs like “Me and You” and “Pictures of Elvis” highlight their softer side while “Bringing Down The Giant” tackles a major issue in society today.

From day one, Saving Abel, has been an incredible supporter of the amazing men and women in the U.S. Armed Forces. “18 Days,” “Drowning (Face Down), and “Miss America” were all written and dedicated to the US Military. Since 2009, Saving Abel has had the honor of traveling to play for the troops in some of the most remote and dangerous places in the world. …Iraq, Quatar, Cuba, Japan, and India just to name a few. No matter where they are or what they are doing, no matter if it’s 5 minutes to show time, the boys in Saving Abel will ALWAYS stop what they are doing to acknowledge and thank a Soldier, Sailor, Airman or Marine.

In the spring of 2013 Saving Abel, found themselves at a crossroads…. The Active Rock market was stagnant, and metal and pop acts were starting to dominate the charts. The country boys from Mississippi had a decision to make(,) rather than sit and wait for the industry to take a turn, Saving Abel decided to take matters into their own hands. They hired a new team (management, agent, road crew, and promotional staff), and set out on an acoustic tour with no agenda other than to play music together for the love of it. During that tour they released a new EP, “Crackin’ The Safe” on their own label “Hell No Pickin’”. A new attitude brought a fresh perspective and desire to honor their fans by doing nightly meet and greets and more station visits, acoustic shows on off nights etc than ever before.

In January of 2014 the band embarked on a new chapter, as singer Jared Weeks and drummer Michael McManus left to pursue solo careers. Saving Abel, working with their new manager Jeff Hanson (Creed, Paramore, Sevendust) also at the helm of their newly formed label, found Trash The Brand singer Scotty Austin and drummer Steven Pulley and asked them to join the band. Knowing that a lead singer change could have dire consequences, Austin immediately took to meeting every fan at every show and established that he was not just there to fill someone’s shoes, but rather he was there to create his own identity and relationship with the fans and take the band farther than they’d ever been while maintaining respect for the legacy that had been established.

Jason Null (guitar), Scott Bartlett (guitar) and Eric Taylor (bass) welcomed Steven and Scotty with open arms, and together the five of them have a renewed sense of purpose, which translates to an exciting energy both on and off the stage. The first two months of shows were sold out, and a new wave of enthusiasm seemed to take over the band’s shows, as well as their social networks. To take advantage of this enthusiasm the band has written new material and a new single is expected in March. A new album is planned for late Springs 2014 and the band plans to tour extensively for the foreseeable future.

Date Recorded: 8/18/2014

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