T. S. Chaudhry

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About the Author

T. S. Chaudhry was born in Karachi, Pakistan. He earned a bachelor’s degree from Cornell University,

a master’s degree from Harvard University, and a PhD from the University of Cambridge. Formerly a

Pakistani diplomat, Chaudhry currently works for the United Nations on peace and security issues in


THE QUEEN OF SPARTA is Chaudhry’s first novel. He came up with the idea to write a story about

Queen Gorgo being the architect of the Greek resistance against the Persian invasion while reading

Herodotus for his A-Level examination in England several decades ago. “As a lover of history, or a

‘history-buff,’ I have always enjoyed reading both fiction and nonfiction about this period.”

Chaudhry is currently working on a “prequel” to THE QUEEN OF SPARTA based on events leading up

to the Battle of Marathon, called Fennel Field.