the multi-talented Esther Pearlman with Volume Three of “It’s Not Easy
Being A Woman”…she’s been a guest with you several times and always has interesting
things to say and write about
I hear you almost called your new book Volume Two and One-Half…how come you decided
not to?
Tell us a bit about some of your previous titles…what was “A Face Is a Face Is a Face” all
about? What about the books with your name, Esther, in the title?
Do you find writing therapy in some ways?
How do you make your writing fun? Is your husband Marty a good barometer?
You have also enjoyed a career as an artist? When did your first get involved in the world of
art? Did it come naturally?
I’ve been told you are a people person….that you really enjoy meeting new people…where are
some of the places you “run” into new people…gas stations? dress stores? pharmacies?
What if some people don’t take to you? Has this happened?
On “It’s Not Easy Being a Woman,” do you direct your feelings mostly to women or do you feel
men can learn a lot from you as well?
To your knowledge ,has anyone written a book, “It’s Not Easy Being a Man”– do you feel it’s much
more difficult for the female species to cope with life?
How do you make life life more interesting and inject more fun into everyday existence?
Tell us about your family, especially your son whose literary career you have sparked in so many ways…
Your husband Marty sounds like a fun guy…do you keep pace with him in the fun dept.? How many times
has he retired? I understand you both like to travel the world over…if so, has travel helped your writings?
How can our listeners get your books?
Will there be a Volume Four of “It’s Not Easy Being a Woman”? Tell us what to expect next literary-wise from