Tim Huelskamp-U.S. Representative for Kansas’s 1st congressional district


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Tim Huelskamp-U.S. Representative for Kansas’s 1st congressional district

Congressman Tim Huelskamp was elected to the United States House of Representatives in 2010. Tim represents the First Congressional District of Kansas also known as the “Big First.” His committee assignments include Agriculture, Budget and Veterans.

Tim was born near and raised on the family farm in Fowler, Kansas. Pioneered by his grandparents Martin and Clara in 1926, the farm operation includes raising corn, cattle, wheat, milo, soybeans and kids. The values of hard work and personal responsibility, a strong family life and the essentials of his Catholic Christian faith were instilled in Tim at an early age.

Congressman Huelskamp attended elementary and high school in Fowler where he earned awards including High School Valedictorian, State Scholar, All-League Honors in Football and Speech, and Farm Bureau Youth Leader.

Following high school, Tim attended a seminary in Santa Fe, New Mexico in addition to obtaining his bachelor’s degree in social science education at the College of Santa Fe. Tim then went on to American University in Washington, D.C. where he completed his Ph.D. in four years.

During his time at American University, Tim met his wife Angela. Upon graduation, Tim and Angela returned home to farm, ranch and raise a family in Fowler. Before coming to Congress, Tim was elected to the Kansas Senate in 1996, the youngest Senator elected in twenty years. Tim was re-elected by his constituents three times by wide margins – 2000, 2004 and 2008.

Congressman Huelskamp has stood out among the freshmen class of 2011 for his unwavering commitment to cutting spending, restoring government to its proper role, defending life, and ensuring accountability and transparency in Congress. Congressman Huelskamp has taken the lead on a number of issues, including measures to defund the President’s czars, to protect the religious liberty of chaplains on military bases, to prevent federal funding of abortion, and most recently, to stop HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius from acquiring access to patient health claims data. All the while, Congressman Huelskamp has supported efforts to end Washington’s addiction to irresponsible spending and borrowing. He was one of the lead sponsors of “Cut, Cap, Balance,” a bill that passed the House that would have enacted major structural reforms to Washington’s spending and borrowing patterns as well as a requirement to pass a balanced budget amendment. Congressman Huelskamp has been a reliable voice for fiscal discipline, as he has refused to support spending measures that did not go far enough in fulfilling the promises of cuts that House Republicans made as candidates.

Congressman & Mrs. Huelskamp are the proud parents of four adopted children: Natasha, Rebecca, Athan and Alexander. Both girls are from Haiti, while the two boys were already Americans. Tim enjoys working in his church and remains involved as a lector and usher. He also continues to enjoy involvement in various civic organizations, hunting, playing sports with his kids, and reading with the family. Meanwhile, Angela continues to work promoting and fostering adoptions.

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