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Don Trumbull is an EMP expert, and author of the new book titled “Safe States,” that discusses the aftermath of an EMP attack. One of the most unsettling yet rarely discussed topics of our current age is the horrific danger posed by an Electro Magnetic Pulse or EMP. It could happen at any time from a solar flare or an EMP weapon detonated over the country at high altitude. Overnight society could be sent back to the Stone Age. No lights, car ignitions don’t work, computers are fried, and virtually the entire infrastructure including hospital life support—all gone. Experts project that within one year of an EMP blast, 90% of the people in our country would be dead. And there’s virtual no current defense against such an attack.
GUEST BIO: Don Trumbull
Don Trumbull is a former air carrier president. Following a ten-year mission exploring the vulnerability of our U.S. air carriers/supply chains to the catastrophic threat of solar flare/electromagnetic pulse; in 2019 his broader findings inspired a civilian countermeasure system called the SAFE STATE Project.