Wars & Appeasements
Under the dysfunctional states of Biden and his administration, it looks likely that the world will shortly be facing conflicts in Europe, the Pacific and the Middle East; in one and or more simultaneously.
The best teacher of the geo-political arena is history. Throughout recent history, it clearly demonstrates that democracies never go to war with each other, because they invariably come to a compromise to avoid conflict.
The same historical records prove again and again, that wars are started by dictatorships when faced by spineless, cowardly political leaders who would rather grovel to and appease these thugs hoping to avoid conflict, when in fact and in reality, they are doing the exact opposite, making war inevitable. World War II was one of the foremost examples.
On March 7, 1936, Adolf Hitler sent over 20,000 troops back into the Rhineland, an area that was supposed to remain a demilitarized zone according to the Treaty of Versailles. The area known as the Rhineland was a strip of German land that borders France, Belgium, and the Netherlands.
France, in 1936 had a much more powerful military machine than Germany, and instead of cutting Hitler down to his pitiful size at that moment, they whined and did nothing, thus increasing his appetite for more aggression ending with a cataclysmic world war.
At the moment there are only about 5-10 media personalities who are asking pertinent and informative questions that both Biden and his underlings are refusing to answer.
Considering the fact that the Ayatollahs of Iran have been since 1979, the most virulent enemies of the USA and every single one of her allies in the Middle East, why is Biden begging them to talk?
Talk about what? They are supporting every enemy of the USA in the ME such as the Shia militias in Iraq, Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in Gaza, the Houthis in Yemen and their own presence in Syria. In each case, the countries that harbour their proxies are suffering economic collapse, dysfunctional governance and their peoples in states of terror and instability.
Not one rational person can find a single advantage to the USA from talking to this ignoble terrorist theocracy. Not one; yet Biden is obsessed with them, while totally ignoring the legitimate concerns of all the ME leaders, both Arab and Israeli.
As far as I am concerned – and maybe someone can prove me wrong, no matter how odd it may read – the only reason why Biden is destroying America, is because he suffers from a terminal case of Trump Derangement Syndrome causing him to demolish all of the 45th presidents’ achievements to please Barack Hussein Obama.
The fool Biden, is leaving a legacy unmatched by any other incompetent president in the 242 years’ history of the Republic, and not even his wife is willing to deflect him.
After a year of the most despicable failures by Biden and the Democrats, in every field imaginable: Economic, Military, Social, Medical, Border Security, Food supplies, Energy and food costs going up through the ceiling; it is blatantly obvious that Biden and his team of ghouls are inept, incompetent and utterly disloyal to the US Constitution and the American People.
Since every time Biden opens his mouth, he puts his two feet in it, in plain sight for all the world to watch, not a single rational human being watching this cognitively challenged and senile creature has any respect or fear of him; especially America’s foremost enemies.
In recent days, even the leading supporters of the Democrat party are waking up to the reality that the current Democrat party has gone so far LEFT, it is now unrecognizable anymore, and many are abandoning it. Whether they will vote for the Republicans, for other parties or refrain from voting, should be cause for concern to the Democrats in the forthcoming November 22 elections.
Unfortunately for the USA and the world, this trainwreck is chugging along, completely in denial of the damage it is causing to the USA, her allies and world stability.
In the meantime, recognising how badly they shall be doing in November, they are again, with the complete subservience of almost all the corrupt mainline media – who are actually the mortal enemies of ‘We the People’ – are doing their worst to deceive once again the American voters, and cheat them from a fair election by once more blaming the Republicans for their utter mismanagements and failures.
Democrats have mastered the art of Projective Identification, to such an extent, it has become imbued in their psyche and mentality; as a second nature. They are already trying to instill in the minds of American voters that the November 22 elections will be stolen by the Republicans when every single indication proves that they, the Democrats, are intending to pervert the results to keep themselves in power.
Only brain dead or in total denial Americans, would vote once again for Democrats, since by November 22 the cost of living in real terms – for food, fuel, heating, medicals, housing and others – will be as a minimum, 20% higher than it was under Trump.
Unfortunately, based on recent history, there are at least 32% of the electorate who are still either comatose or brain dead.
In conclusion, it is incumbent upon all fair minded and patriotic Americans, to keep their eyes on the ball which is the economy, as the most important indicator where America is being led to, and not be diverted or fooled by other tangential issues that do not directly impact their pockets and livelihood.