INSTANT MEDICAL EXPERT: Michael Daugherty, is President & CEO of LabMD, an Atlanta-based clinical and anatomic medical laboratory with a national client base. LabMD specializes in analysis and diagnosis of blood, urine, and tissue specimens for cancers, micro-organisms and tumor markers. He has 15 years experience in diagnostic medicine.

PAPER: Vaccine debate flares in GOP presidential race, alarming medical experts…
Emotional debate…

“Medical experts reacted with alarm Monday as two top contenders for the Republican presidential nomination appeared to question whether child vaccinations should be mandatory — injecting politics into an emotional issue that has taken on new resonance with a recent outbreak of measles in the United States.

First, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, while visiting a vaccine laboratory here, called for “some measure of choice” on whether shots guarding against measles and other diseases should be required for children.

Then, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), an ophthalmologist who is also readying a 2016 campaign, said in two U.S. television interviews that he thinks most vaccines should be voluntary, citing “many tragic cases of walking, talking, normal children who wound up with profound mental disorders after vaccines.”

“The state doesn’t own your children,” Paul said on CNBC, praising vaccines for their health benefits but insisting that the government should not mandate their use in most cases. “Parents own the children. And it is an issue of freedom and public health.”

The vigorous outcry in response to the remarks underscored the sensitivity surrounding the vaccination debate, particularly given a widening multistate measles outbreak linked to a California theme park. Both Christie and Paul are leading GOP candidates who are likely to exercise significant influence over the direction of the 2016 primary race.”

PLUG BOOK: http://www.amazon.com/Devil-Inside-Beltway-Surveillance-Cybersecurity/dp/0985742208/ref=la_B00FEQ56KO_1_1_title_2_har?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1410913051&sr=1-1

BIO: Daugherty is a government whistleblower by necessity, and CEO of a cancer detection laboratory by trade. A small business owner taking on federal agencies with courage that rivals David meets Goliath, Michael is on a tireless crusade to honor his constitutional rights and the rights of every U.S. citizen. Michael s story of victimization by a cyber-security company linked to federal agencies is not unique that he s telling his story is. In a play-by-play account of questionable government practices, Michael reveals his chilling tale about how our security is not the safety we think it is. His book The Devil inside the Beltway is a must read for anyone who values freedom or takes it for granted.

WEBSITE: michaeljdaugherty.com

TWITTER: @DaughertyMJ