5/24/2012 Jiggy Jaguar Show


Friday’s TalkRadioX / KjagRadio / FFR programming, 05/25/2012, LIVE at 5pm eastern!

SentaiRick's picture
Submitted by SentaiRick on Thu, 05/24/2012 – 19:41
Rick’s back on the air, filling in for Jiggy Jaguar on the Jiggy Jaguar Show, 5pm – 7pm eastern. What’s on tap for 5/25? Here you go!
Twitter: @jiggyjaguar @sentairick @ffrontierradio @kjagradio @talkradiox
Facebook: jiggyjaguar , sentairick , officialbusby , kjagradio, talkradiox

Guest: Bakelight 78

Bakelite 78 was founded by old time music enthusiast Robert Rial.
Rial arrived in Chicago in 2000, eager to engage in the music he loved: dance orchestra music/swing, country-blues, dixieland, tin pan alley, rock and American folk. He played his guitar and tenor banjo and took solace in his 78 R.P.M. records (some discs were made from an early form of plastic similar to Bakelite). ‘Bakelite 78’s preserved the music of this era and the band was born to keep classic crooner vocals and speak-easy jazz/lounge/cabaret alive.

Guest: Wolf Larsen

Bio: Known for her arresting live performances, Wolf is famous for bringing any noisy barroom to a standstill. With total focus, stillness and a gentle approach to playing her nylon string guitar, Larsen invites an audience to lean in closer and to feel the Quiet as a part of the fabric of her songs. For the release of her first record, Larsen is donating a significant portion of proceeds to organizations that invest in the education of girls around the world, starting with The Nike Foundation’s initiative called The Girl Effect. The Girl Effect is the notion that investing in women, particularly in the education and business development of girls, is the best, fastest way to save the world. Along with UNESCO, The World Health Organization, and USAID, Wolf believes in this idea passionately and wants to dedicate her record release to spreading this worthy meme around.

Guest: Hard Riot

Bio: In the year 2006, a new rising hard rock band was formed in the city of Heilbronn, Germany.
Four young men with one common passion. Hard rockin’ music… “Turn On The Lights… Ready To Rock!” – That is the heart and soul of HARD RIOT. They elate their audience with heavy riffs, a powerful stage performance, a stunning, electrifying voice and songs that will strike you like thunder. After countless hard rocking shows and overwhelming audience reactions, HARD RIOT decided to make their first record. In 2009, they released their first 5-Track-EP – “The Hidden Truth” – on their own and drew the attention of producer (and former voice of Sanvoisen) Vagelis Maranis. In February 2011, they recorded their first album in Maranis Studios, Backnang, which was mixed and mastered by Vagelis Maranis.


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