While our nation undergoes a continuing saga of conflict between opposing political parties, we
recognize that each of us deals with conflict on a daily basis. Screen writers and authors portray conflict
in their stories to shed light on the struggles people encounter. Author AK Patch is here today to talk
about how he developed the main themes of conflict in his novel trilogy that begins with PASSAGE at
1. Why does conflict drive a story, AK?
There’s a saying among writers- no conflict/no story
In a novel- we demonstrate the personalities of our characters thru challenges.
Conflict can be within ourselves, with others, against nature, situations we never expected to be in.
Makes for dramatic scenes in a books, movies, and TV shows.
When you watch or read, look for how the writer is setting up opposing forces.
2. How did you do this in the Apollo Series?
The first chore is to decide what your character’s greatest dreams and worst fears? Then you place the
characters in scenes where their dreams are withheld and the worst fears are realized. This is powerful.
The characters begin the story in their everyday lives, but some event or some threat, takes them away
from it, and sends them into a cauldron of struggle.
3. What happens to your characters in PASSAGE at DELPHI?
I’ve set up layers of conflict in the story.
Two of the main characters are history professors but also a married couple. Trouble right there, Jiggy-
The fabric of their marriage is beginning to rip. Then, they’re attacked and don’t know why.
They try to escape the threat by going on a workcation to Greece- but not going to happen- they don’t
understand they’ve been manipulated to go to Greece. That’s where their lives fall apart. This is a time
travel thriller series with meat and bones history, and a look to the future.
My characters have been hand-picked and drafted by a mysterious taskmaster to be trained in an
ancient battleground, The Persian Wars Period- a climatic history when the Persian Empire mounts an
invasion by land and sea to conquer Greece. If my characters can survive the gauntlet in the ancient,
then they might be of assistance to this taskmaster to change the fate of the United States in our near
The couple has to survive each first before they can hope to counter all the threats they encounter and
return home.
4. Where can we get your books AK?
Go to Amazon books and type in PASSAGE AT DELPHI
Right now, I have a Christmas sale on PASSAGE at DELPHI on kindle- $1.99!!! You can also get a printed
version from AMAZON.
My goal is to entertain my readers. Take them on a journey to times and places they may not know
about. This series involves the Past, present, and future.
I invite your listeners to begin the series and be swept away for the holidays. Makes for great reading
while you watch the snow come down.