Barbara Evans


Barbara Evans

Author:Coloring for Joy

Born in England, Barbara Evans graduated in Biology and Education from the Universities of Liverpool and Cambridge. Her transformation from biologist and high school teacher to healer, author, and transformational healing artist began in the 1990’s, prompted by a major life event. The death of her father triggered a passion for finding a new way of living and being within the world, one that did not include pain and fear. Since that time, Barbara has studied multiple alternative healing modalities and has become a Reiki Master and Crystal Resonance Therapist™. In 2003 Barbara underwent a quantum leap that vaulted her into the brave, new, and as yet unexplored world of Transformational Healing Artistry, as her developing gifts came together in the creation of the first Image Key, “Healing the Waters of the Earth.” Barbara’s book, Messages of Universal Wisdom, and her spiritually inspired paintings are the creative outcome of her transformation.
Date Recorded: 10/8/2013

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