Expert: Did You Know That If You Marry An Immigrant, Without Any Proof They Can Claim Abuse And The Feds Will Fast Track Green Cards and Citizenship For Them?

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The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) provides foreigners with fast-tracked green cards and citizenship when claiming they’re abuse or crime victims…
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IMMIGRATION/ABUSE EXPERT: Elena Maria Lopez is an immigration fraud victim turned whistleblower.

No evidence, interviews or
investigations are required.

By law, Americans are secretly
accused and can’t submit evidence.

In 2018, Lopez twice presented a series of national security immigration fraud cases at White House meetings. These involved foreign nationals using loopholes to bypass background checks, hide criminal activities and get fast-tracked green cards and U.S. citizenship. These people then quickly married active military with high-level security clearances, often lived on U.S. bases, and fraudulently sought federal benefits. The FBI contacted her about these cases in late 2016.

Lopez first discovered and raised the flag on such cases in 2012 with congressional leadership and administration officials. Rather than close the dangerous loopholes responsible, congress and the president made them permanent in 2013.

As a victim, Lopez was almost killed by her Dutch husband after she sponsored him into the United States. He admitted marrying her for a green card then terrorized her to keep her quiet. The Department of Homeland Security warned he was “dangerous,” but refused to enforce his fraudulent immigration status despite extensive criminal activities.

Instead, he became eligible for a special “domestic-violence green card.” The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) provides foreigners with fast-tracked green cards and citizenship when claiming they’re abuse or crime victims; No evidence, interviews or investigations are required. By law, Americans are secretly accused and can’t submit evidence.

This unique type of green card is especially coveted since it waives fraud, criminal activities and inadmissibilitywithin the immigration process. And these green cards can’t be revoked even when flagged by national security investigators.

Lopez’s abuse? By refusing to sign his final immigration papers and reporting him to the feds, Lopez subjected her foreign husband to “extreme cruelty” based on the VAWA. The landmark domestic-violence law has become the easiest way for criminals and fraudsters to get fast-tracked green cards and U.S. citizenship.

Lopez testified before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee about her case in 2017. She lives in hiding with help from the State of New Jersey.


BIO: Lopez is a former political journalist and financial writer. (She’s also a lifelong Democrat.) She was raised by a mother who ran all their regional domestic violence shelters in the pre-VAWA era. Lopez understands the issues and what’s important to people living through them. Little did she know, she would become a domestic violence victim, fighting to give Acts like VAWA real power to protect Americans as it should.

ABOUT: Whistleblower Elena Maria Lopez is one of those victims who is willing to talk about this issue even while living in hiding, speaking passionately to fix these problems for all Americans. A Dutch man married her for citizenship, then used our domestic-violence laws to claim abuse and gain protection that Lopez, the true victim of domestic violence, is not being afforded. While New Jersey put her in hiding for safety, the feds gave this man a fast-tracked “domestic-violence green card.” (Her abusive behavior? Refusing to sign his final immigration papers and reporting his criminal activities to the feds.)
She first raised the flag on such loopholes in 2004, whereby foreigners use domestic-violence laws to hide fake identities, bigamy, forgery, prostitution, drug running, false statements, visa fraud and various criminal activities.

Since then, she’s discovered national security cases linked to these loopholes. She’s presented these cases twice to White House officials. The FBI also contacted her, horrified at the clusters of cases she discovered and the ease of using these loopholes. She first tripped over such case patterns in 2012 and quickly warned congressional leadership in both houses. Rather than close these dangerous loopholes, lawmakers made them permanent law the following year.

Although she can’t discuss it in detail, the Trump administration illegally released her private information to the media and over the Internet.