Expert: Trump Sucker Punches Emergency Tariff On Mexico Over Border Crisis!


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“President Trump announced a new emergency 5% tariff on all goods imported from Mexico, saying it was the only way to get America’s southern neighbor to step up and do more to stop the flow of migrants.

The tariffs will take effect June 10, and will increase to 10% on July 1, 15% on Aug. 1, and so on up to 25%, until the situation is resolved.

The president cast the move as a humanitarian urgency.

“Gang members, smugglers, human traffickers, and illegal drugs and narcotics of all kinds are pouring across the southern border and directly into our communities,” he said in a statement. “Thousands of innocent lives are taken every year as a result of this lawless chaos. It must end NOW!”

Mr. Trump said he’s using his authority under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act.”



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BIO: JOHN TAMNY, the author of Popular Economics and Who Needs the Fed?, is director of the Center for Economic Freedom at FreedomWorks, a senior economic adviser to Toreador Research & Trading, a columnist for Forbes, and editor of


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