Frank Cotolo


Frank Cotolo


The Godfather of Internet Talk Radio, also known as Frank Cotolo, has been skulking the halls of the Internet for a really – long – time. Frank has engaged his talents in every form of writing and broadcast that is possible over the past few decades. As writer his output has varied from producing speeches for corporate officers to books, theater pieces, commercial copy and one-liners for comedians. He has written fiction, non-fiction and straight news for print and broadcast. As Godfather of talk he spent many years with the legendary Wolfman Jack as Mars Cotolo. He also is known for his numerous writings of custom material for personality’s radio shows, live appearances, TV and movie roles. You can hear Frank live weekly on COTOLO CHRONICLES every Thursday at 9 PM EST. His work of short stories, Pony Player, is a cult classic with copies reselling for hundreds of dollars. He is the author of License to Skill, the amazingly illustrated Molotov Memoirs and his much talked about epic, The Complete and Unabridged History of Japan. You will love Frank’s freestyle, drum solo and interesting interactions in COTOLO CHRONICLES. We’ll bet you dollars to donuts, you bring the donuts! Frank is also co-founder of with The Artist D and Velvet Steele, the juiciest podcast network you’ve ever heard.
Date Recorded: 10/7/2012

SITE: Site

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