Frank Cousineau (“koozinoh”) atin Fresno, CA
back-up: he’s been a guest with you for the last 3 or 4
years talking about cancer – he’s the president of the Cancer Control Society
and they’ll be having their 46th Annual Convention over the Labor Day Weekend
Sept. 1, 2 & 3 at the Hilton Hotel in Glendale, Calif, a few miles from the heart of Hollywood
and downtown Los Angeles
questions for Frank—
How did you get interested in the subject of cancer?
How long have you been president of the Cancer Control Society?
Tell us what to expect at this year’s Convention…
Who are some of the speakers?
Will you be featuring recovered cancer patients?
How many types of cancer are there? for women, is breast cancer the
most prevalent? for men, what’s the biggest cancer problem?
Can we learn a lot at this convention about preventing cancer–and controling it?
Will there be movies for the attendees?
What is the charge to attend each day?
Where can we make contributions to the Cancer Control Society?
Please repeat where this 46th Annual Cancer Convention will be held…
What about the much-talked about chelation treatment for cancer patients–
is it effective?
What is DMSO we hear so much about? Are vaccines effective?