Image Bearers: Shifting from Pro-Birth to Pro-Life by Herbie Newell…Don’t Just Say You’re Prolife Without Understanding What That Means


Image Bearers

Shifting from Pro-birth to Pro-Life


Herbie Newell

PUBLIUS GUEST AUTHOR: Herbie Newell, author of Image Bearers: Shifting from Pro-birth to Pro-Life. Herbie Newell is the President & Executive Director of Lifeline Children’s Services and its ministry arms.

Being pro-life means that not only do we see abortion as a murder, but we also see our apathy against injustice toward outside of the womb as a coconspirator in the fight for life. It means that we fight for racial equality.

It means that we love the woman walking into the abortion clinic passionately with the love of Christ, and it means we embrace life no matter what label may be attached to a person’s identity. There are many books written about being pro-life, the pro-life and right-to-life movement, and combating abortion arguments, but my hope is this small volume will bring awareness that the pro-life movement ethic is so much bigger in presenting a case for life than just being pro-birth.

Lifeline Children Services Author Herbie Newell is the President & Executive Director of Lifeline Children’s Services and its ministry arms. Lifeline Children’s Services is a non-profit 501c3 ministry and licensed agency founded in 1981. The mission of Lifeline Children’s Services is to equip the Body of Christ to manifest the gospel to vulnerable children.Lifeline Children’s Services exists to provide a hope and a future through the Gospel for children around the world by discipling, engaging, and equipping people towards adoption, foster care, and orphan care.

Lifeline promotes the sanctity of life through ministry to young women in the midst of unplanned pregnancy, domestic and international adoption services, foster care, and orphan care through (un)adopted.Since its founding, Lifeline’s commitment has remained focused on working with Christian families, to ensure that children are raised with the truth of who Jesus Christ is as their Lord and Savior. Lifeline currently has offices in 14 states.


BIO: Herbie holds a Master’s of Business Administration in Accounting from Samford University. He worked with WAKM Companies, LLC, a prominent accounting firm, for several years as an independent auditor before being led to Lifeline. He joined the Lifeline staff in 2003 as the Executive Director. From January 2004 to December 2008, he served as the president of the Alabama Adoption Coalition. Herbie was chosen as a Hague Intercountry Adoption evaluator and team leader by the Council of Accreditation. Under Herbie’s leadership, Lifeline has increased international outreach to 25 countries through adoption and strategic orphan care, obtained licensure in 12 states, attained membership into the ECFA (Evangelical Council on Financial Accountability), and established the foster care arm of ministry at Lifeline. Herbie has been invited to speak at many events concerning adoption and the church’s response to orphan care, including the National Council for Adoption, Christian Alliance for Orphans, Together for Adoption, Care Net and the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission.
Having witnessed the plight of older orphans on many trips overseas, Herbie’s burden for the fatherless was a catalyst for forming (un)adopted in 2009, the strategic orphan care ministry of Lifeline focused on equipping orphaned and vulnerable children with life skills needed to bring about community transformation. During the summer of 2013, Herbie and his family traveled for 7 weeks throughout China, working hands-on with (un)adopted and orphanage partners. Also, during the summer of 2018, he and his family served for 5 weeks in Colombia with Lifeline’s adoption and orphan care partners. He and his wife, Ashley, live in Birmingham, Alabama, and are parents to son, Caleb, and daughters, Adelynn and Emily. Following her graduation from Samford, Ashley worked as the Assistant Director of Sav-a-life, a Birmingham based crisis pregnancy center, where she counseled hundreds of women on life-giving options for their babies. Herbie and Ashley share a passion for the unborn, life, and adoption and desire to spend their lives advocating for the least of these.




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