Irwin Zucker, the legendary book publicist


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the legendary book publicist, still toiling around the clock
at the tender age of 91 and one-half…doesn’t he know the
word “retire”–why doesn’t he retire? (Ask him!)

Irwin has promoted almost 4,000 authors in his career…
he also has “non–paying” clients like his wife and three daughters,
all authors who bug the hell out of him. They want the big, big
shows to promote their books.

Irwin, when did you first realize you had a love of words and wanted
to be a journalist?

Did your family like the idea of you becoming a journalist and later
a publicist?

First, tell us about growing up in Brooklyn, NY and going to a pretty
famous high school that produced many well-known alumni.

I heard you were in the Army–on our side–in 1945…is that true? How
did we manage to win World War II with you involved? Did you have
a literary career in the Army? I heard from one of my spies that you
were “wounded” in the service–tell us a bit about that…

After the Army, I understand you attended the Univ. of Michigan and
continued your writing career, right?

What next after graduation from Michigan?

You got fired on your first job out of college…how come?

What about your career in the music business? How did that
work out? Did that make you want to go out on your own in
public relations? Tell us more…

Who are some of the authors you loved working with? I hear one
of your new authors asked to interview you–tell us about that…

How are best-sellers made?…and when will you write your life story?

Say some nice things about the authors in your family–your wife
and twin daughters…

What about your personal life? Is it true you’ve been married over
60 years? Isn’t that a record in Hollywood?

Now you’re 91 and one-half years young and still working around the clock–why?

You’ve certainly booked many of your authors on our show–thank you
so much. Do you coach them on what to say or are they on their own?

We’ve got to have you back soon, Irwin Zucker…please stay in touch with
us for the next 90 years…we need lots of good guests!