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Jennifer Gligoric

“Time and Talent”

 AM UNEMPLOYED  HATE MY JOB  WANT A PROMOTION  WILL SCREAM IF I GET ANOTHER USELESS GIFT  AM SICK OF GIVING CASH TO MY JOBLESS FRIENDS I’m Jenness (Muse, Coach & Author) AND I HAVE A SOLUTION FOR YOU! I am giving away my Time & Talent to the first 25 people who respond to this flyer If you scan the QR Code you will get a FREE signed copy of my newest 500+ page book shipped DIRECTLY to you or whomever you wish to gift PLUS a 1 on 1 Virtual Mini-Muse Coaching session valued at over $200 for only $50 (this includes shipping & wrapping my book!).
Date Recorded: 11/21/2013

SITE: Site

Podcast of the interview Download: