Sam Freshman


Samuel Freshman

Sam is the author of the Award-winning book, “The Smartest Way to Save”—why you can’t hang on to money — what to do about it..sage
advice from a very successful exec in the world of real estate….

Sam’s book is your guidebook for surviving the recession…Your money is hard to make, but easy to spend…You know you need to save to pay for your home, to send your kids to college, and retire. What are the secrets? Sam has some good tips for everyone, all ages.

Google the name Samuel Freshman, as well as the title of his book for lots of good topics to gab about. It’s not what you earn that matters but what you keep, says Sam.

“We should buy what we truly need,” he advises. Ask him about other sound principles. “Toxic debt is poison,” he warns. Let him explain further.
Date Recorded: 6/17/2014

SITE: Site

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