Juston Grabor


I’ve just released my very first 10-minute stand-up special called “Fourth Time’s a Curse” online, and am grateful to be able to share it with you. I poured my heart, soul, and time into this new venture despite the continuous setbacks the entertainment industry suffered this year due to the lack of pilots picked up by networks and their unwillingness to agree to fair terms for us artists.

In addition to picketing and acting as a strike captain this year, I made time to create and craft some material that is sure to bring a smile to your face.
Fair warning: The second half of my special dives into the dark humor of which I may be best known as I’ve never been afraid to express my true self; all gained through my own personal experiences.

Humor has always been a great way to connect with others and I thought this would be a fantastic way for us to share some laughter together.

You can watch my special here:
Fourth Time’s a Curse

Trust me, you know I’m worth a whole lot more than $1.44. 😉
Please share it with anyone you feel would enjoy it!