Peter Mathews
Dollar Democracy:With Liberty and Justice for Some: How to Reclaim the American Dream for All
Big Corporations and their super wealthy owners have bought many American politicians through campaign contributions and lobbying. These politicians have voted to benefit their donors, not the American public. Many American political leaders have made decisions that led to: outsourcing good middle class manufacturing and high tech jobs, dismantling our public education system kindergarten through college and university, deteriorating health care that leaves Americans in danger, sick and broke, destruction and endangering of our environment and lives, polluting of our food supplies through deregulation of Big Agribusiness, pesticide use and the proliferation of Genetically Modified (GMO) foods, the crash of Wall Street and the Great Recession, from which the bottom 99% of Americans have not yet recovered, while the super wealthy top 1% are doing just fine. The Corporate dominated policies of these sponsored politicians have resulted in the greatest gap between the American rich and poor since the Great Depression, and a disappearing middle class. Professor Peter Mathews not only critiques this “Dollar Democracy” which brings Liberty and Justice for Some, but he also provides solutions that will bring Liberty and Justice for All, and will help the bottom 99% of Americans Reclaim the American Dream and make it a Reality once again! These solutions include Clean Money Elections and amending the U.S. Constitution to remove Corporate Personhood and to declare that money is not political speech according to the First Amendment.
Date Recorded:8/19/2014
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