Lowell Ponte: Dayton Shooter Not Unlike Young Radical Democrats

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Dayton Shooter Not Unlike Young Radical Democrats
By Lowell Ponte

Headline-seeking Democrat politicians and their comrades in the liberal-left media have unanimously and incessantly blamed President Trump for recent shooter killings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio. The president, they claim, triggered both atrocities by being a “racist, a “white supremacist.” Political and media demagogues, however, give few details about the Dayton shooter, Connor Betts, who appears to have been a far-left radical, some days calling himself a Socialist and others a Communist. Betts supported the urban terrorist group Antifa and, like the son of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 running mate Senator Tim Kaine (D-Virginia), reportedly took part in Antifa-like leftist KKK-ish violence. He was also a Satanist and “displayed every trope” of today’s young radical Democrats. [more…]

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