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Many Years ago, political satire became obsolete when Henry Kissinger was awarded the Nobel Prize.
Nuanced political dialogue has long become hamstrung by the decay of political speech and it’s infantilized our national discourse. Clearing the emotional runway to the November 4th vote is political minstrel Tom English who almost single handedly is reviving the lost art of musical satire.
Nobody who has interacted with singer/songwriter Tom English is not deeply changed by the experience. Simply put, Tom English is a true musical genius. Probably no one has done more to reveal our electile dysfunctions than Tom. He has infused patriotic music with the wit and wiggle of a political junkie, and few have done more to heal our crumbling cultural terrain.
To listen to Tom’s brilliant and political parodies is to experience genius in an accessible, yet inimitable way. Certainly Tom’s lyrics are not preaching to the converted; they are meant to provoke and titillate the converted.

Tom has never shied away from controversy, or worried in the least about being politically incorrect. His songs are often in the vanguard of social morality, although he probably doesn’t see himself as a social crusader.

His song “Democrats are Stupid if They Don’t Vote, Republicans are Stupid if They Do”, mock our flawed political voting system. “This song chides self-righteous activists, and mocks political correctness in one fell swoop. It’s like a political poison pill to those amongst us who wish to destroy our vote, the very apparatus that truly makes us a representative democracy.

Tom’s vision and his tongue in cheek songs shape how we see our world and ourselves. He teaches us to hold fast to our ideals, that we should not run from controversy, and that we must activate our activism.

Heartfelt thanks to Elaine Attias for graciously funding the recording of the song, and to Aris Anagnos for funding the production of the video. Thanks to Kevin Lynn for his Cinematography and his editing talents and skills and to Lila Garrett for bringing everyone together to make it happen
Democrats Are Stupid When They Don’t Vote And Republicans Are Stupid When They Do