Monday’s TalkRadioX / KjagRadio / FFR programming, (6/18/2012) LIVE at 5pm eastern!


Monday’s TalkRadioX / KjagRadio / FFR programming, (6/18/2012) LIVE at 5pm eastern!

SentaiRick's picture
Submitted by SentaiRick on Sun, 06/17/2012 – 14:12
Rare Monday appearance for the FFR Superstar, fillin in for Jiggy as he hits the concerts and signs those contacts .. what’s on deck? here you go !
Twitter: @jiggyjaguar @sentairick @ffrontierradio @kjagradio @talkradiox
Facebook: jiggyjaguar , sentairick , officialbusby , kjagradio, talkradiox

Jay Gutierrez
Bio: Jay Gutierrez spent 20 years in the Air Force and Army as an F-16 jet engine mechanic and a helicopter engine and airframe mechanic. He was received many awards and has plenty of stories.
One day while flying on a mission he discovered some turquoise and made some jewelry out of it and gave it to some friends. Later he found out those stones were mildly radioactive. He attempted to buy the jewelry back, thinking he may have injured those people he cared about. Remarkably, instead of their being sick, they remained unusually healthy and attributed that health in large part to wearing those stones.Ever since, Jay made it his main mission in life now to help others be aware of the positive energies that were disclosed to us. Jay Gutierrez is considered an expert in the field of “Natural Radiation Hormesis”. Jay and his wife Faye have a facility in a ghost town in southeast Colorado. After traveling several times around the country and working with clients, doctors, healers, and scientists, they have been led down a path of successfully fighting serious degenerative diseases such as cancer. Night Hawk Minerals, their company, is the only U.S. company they are aware of that actively promotes the use of natural radiation hormesis.

Marcus Meleton
Bio: Marcus Meleton is well known for his satire and humor books, drawing appearances nationally on Geraldo, Montel Williams, Leeza, Playboy Channel and other national and local television shows. Coverage of his books include USA Today, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Mens Fitness Magazine, Maxim, Dallas Morning News, San Francisco Examiner, Complete Woman Magazine, Publishers Weekly, Orange County Register, Fort Worth Morning Star, the National Examiner, andWashington Times. In high demand for his satire on interviews related to relationships and politics he has been interviewed on over a 1,000 radio shows internationally including US, England, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan.

Eric Papp
Bio: Everyone wants to be successful in life, but not everyone knows how to actually accomplish it.
What many people fail to do is find out how successful people do things differently rather than what how similar they are to us. The secrets to being successful in life as well as business are found in our ability to take responsibility, our commitment to constant improvement, and establishing a compelling personal image.

Norma Roth
Bio: Norma Roth, author of Aging Gracefully with Dignity, Integrity & Spunk Intact: Aging Defiantly, a number of poetry books, has been getting terrific reviews for her advice book that gives seasoned citizens hope and those approaching a bit of comfort. Norma Roth brings a sense of humor and solid tips for keeping yourself “in the game of life” all the way to 110 years old.

Podcast of the interview Download:


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