Malcolm Out Loud


Malcolm out loud

Malcolm Out Loud is a national news and political commentator and the host of the WebTV channel www.MalcolmOutLoud.TV, home of his news magazine. He is also a published author, speaker and the talent behind a daily radio feature, the Out Loud Minute.
Every day Malcolm leads an assault on mediocrity, constantly inspiring others to get Out Loud in every aspect of their lives.

Election Gets Even Dirtier

Guest Opportunity: Malcolm Out Loud, National News and Political Commentator

In the wake of the attack on the US Consulate in Libya, both President Obama and Governor Romney released new attacks against each other’s response to the attack.

In a rare turn, Governor Romney actually addressed the issue of the attack on the Consulate before the President did. And when the President did address the US about the attack, he was very cautious, which was attacked by the right, in his response.

Date Recorded: 09/19/2012

SITE: Site

Podcast of the interview Download:

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