With Middle East In Chaos, Sanctions On Iran Are Front And Center At SOTU






IRAN SANCTIONS GUEST: Dan Perkins, is a master storyteller and author of The Brotherhood of the Red Nile Trilogy, which centers around Islamic nuclear terrorism against the USA. He is a nationally recognized expert on radical Islam, Fossil Fuels and the Middle East,

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Obama: I will veto any new sanctions against Iran…

The President in his State of the Union Address will tell Congress, “If you pass sanctions against Iran I will veto them. The passing of sanctions will undermine our talks on nuclear reduction with Iran.” The talks of the 5+1 with Iran have been extended on two previous occasions. President Obama promised Congress after the first failure that if Iran did not come to terms with the second session that he would recommend reviving the sanctions. When the talks failed in November they were extended to June 2015 and the President made no recommendations to re-impose the sanctions. Based on the Presidents overall lack of success in foreign policy it is no wonder why the Congress does not trust President Obama.

The mistrust on the part of Congress came to the forefront when on the 14th of January; the day negotiations resumed in Geneva, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani announced that Iran would be expanding its nuclear infrastructure by building two new civilian nuclear energy plants at its Bushehr facility. It is clear that the Iranian government has used the stalled talks to continue to expand their nuclear program.

The President is clearly wrong when he states that his power in the negotiations will be diminished if the Congress passes the sanctions even on a stand by basis. All he has to say to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani the American people have spoken through their elected leaders, “If you don’t come to terms their will be sanctions.”

The challenge for the President is that this idea of new sanctions has broad bipartisan support. We may well be in for a showdown between the President and the Congress, if Congress passes the bill and the President vetoes it. What will the President do at the table if the Congress overrides his veto? If they override will he choose to ignore the Constitution? Will he issue an Executive Order over riding the Veto?

The Speaker of the House has taken impeachment off the table and the President believes they will not impeach him, but if the President ignores the law passed by the Congress then he is failing to uphold his oath of office. If the President vetoes the bill and his veto is over ridden then expect reports in the media of a visit to the White House by the Democratic leadership to tell the President to uphold his oath or he will be impeached.

PLUG BOOK: http://www.amazon.com/Brotherhood-Red-Nile-Terrorist-Perspective/dp/1458206874/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&sr=1-1&qid=1407894998

BIO: Author and master storyteller Dan Perkins presents the first book in his trilogy about terrorism against the United States. The first in the series, The Brotherhood of the Red Nile, A Terrorist Perspective, has propelled him to national acclaim with interviews on radio, television and in-print. With the second installment, The Brotherhood of the Red Nile, America Rebuilds, we get a closer look into the mind of an ingenious writer. Picking up where book one ends, book two delivers more intrigue and mystery while striking terror in the hearts of readers as we ask the question: How in the world can we stop this from happening?

WEBSITE: danperkinsatsanibel.com

TWITTER: @dansbeak