Mark Biltz


Mark Biltz

Book: Blood Moons

“This has happened only eight times over the last 2,000 years!” Biltz said. “And the last two times these occurred on the Jewish holidays there was a war in the Middle East regarding the nation of Israel. These are patterns and historical facts that cannot be disregarded. The Jewish Talmud records that total lunar eclipses are indicators or omens for the nation of Israel.”

Among those championing the need to pay attention to Biltz’s message in “Blood Moons” is Joseph Farah, the founder and CEO of WND.

“It’s not a question of if these signs will occur. It’s not even a question of when they will occur. About that there is no doubt,” said Farah. “The only questions that remain to be answered are: what they mean � and whether they are biblical harbingers of things to come for the world and for God’s people. No one has perspective on these questions like Mark Biltz.”

Farah added: “The wisdom of decoding these heavenly messages from our Creator in ‘Blood Moons’ is overwhelmingly persuasive, and I believe this book will, for the first time, answer all the questions curious people of all walks of life will have about the imminent signs in the heavens. God is trying to get our attention. And I am convinced He has anointed Mark Biltz to help us understand the times in which we live and the urgent warnings God is trying to deliver to us all.”

He calls it a powerful spiritual teaching “so detailed, so improbable, so mysterious it could only be the result of divine handiwork.”

Date Recorded: 3/27/2014

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