Richard Kurtz

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About Richard Kuritz:

Richard Kuritz Is a Political Scientist, Writer, PR Strategist and Carpenter.

He is an unapologetic New Yorker who transplanted his tribe from the NY tundra to San Diego

sunshine over three decades ago.

His background includes finance, construction and elected office.

Currently, Rich works as a Media Relations Specialist, bringing experts to media around the


Richard’s independent perspective on America crosses party lines and is anchored in common

sense and the Constitution. His efforts have locked horns and forged agreements with local,

state, and federal agencies: plowing new earth in the area of effective and reasonable use of

government authority. For him, America means calluses on your hands, not your heart.

Rich resides in the San Diego sunshine with his high school sweetheart, has 3 self- supporting

children, 4 grandchildren, and too many books-in-progress. His commentary is found in columns,

national magazines and on radio across the country.